<center><div style="font-style: italic; width: 375px; FONT-SIZE: 26pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 20pt; FONT-FAMILY: Time New Roman; LETTER-SPACING: -2px;"> [color=#978A63]Mary Faith Williams[/color]</div> <div style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: Calibri; LETTER-SPACING: -2px;; text-shadow:black 1px 1px 1px;">"Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can.
And just when you think it can't get any better, it can."
— [u]Nicholas Sparks[/u] [i]At First Sight[/i]</div> <img src="http://i38.servimg.com/u/f38/15/98/30/19/tumblr10.jpg" class="img1" />
[center]<object width="150" height="50" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed src="http://muzicons.com/musicon_v_srv_new.swf" width="150" height="50" menu="false" quality="high" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="&nomuz=muzicon%20unavailable&site=http://muzicons.com/&icon_pic=13.png&music_file=http://listen.musicmp3.ru/1ee8311b7a9af696&bg_color=c3996b&type_of_clip=simple&text_color=FFFFFF&text_message=Last+day&buy_link=http%3A%2F%2Fmusicmp3.ru%2Fartist_amanda-seyfried-ashley-lilley-rachel-mcdowall__album_mamma-mia.html%3Fref%3D1708%231" wmode="transparent" menu="false" quality="high"></embed></object><br/>[/center]
<center><div style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: calibri; LETTER-SPACING: -2px;; text-shadow:black 1px 1px 1px;"> ▼ SWEET ABOUT ME</div> </center>
[font=Calibri][size=10][center]• her family died when she was 7 • her
house was on fire • she had a sister and
a brother named Joy & Lee • they were
triplets • she was in depression for 2
years when she was just a kid • she's
afraid of fire and cannot light a candle
• she immediatly bursts into tears when
she tells the story or sees pictures •
she likes playing music with her mates
• she's hidding a huge secret only few
people knows about it •[/center][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=10][center]•[url=http://pursuitofhappiness.forumactif.org/t115-mary-faith-williams][i]PRESENTATION COMPLETE[/i]•[/url][/center][/size][/font]
<center>[table][td]<div style="line-height: 14px"><blockquote> <div style="width:300px;height:100px;overflow:auto;"><div style=" width: 300px; overflow: auto; height: 80px; line-height: 11px;"><center>[font=tahoma]
[size=12][b] things she likes[/b][/size][/font]<font size="1" >[justify][size=9]
Chinese food.
Going out.
Listenning music.
Going to the cinema all alone.
Taking pictures.
Road trips.
Writing songs.
Having sex.
[/size] [/justify]</font></center></DIV></div></blockquote>[/td][td]<div style="line-height: 14px"><blockquote> <div style="width:300px;height:100px;overflow:auto;"><div style=" width: 300px; overflow: auto; height: 80px; line-height: 11px;"><center>[font=tahoma]
[size=12][b] things she doesn't like[/b][/size][/font]<font size="1" >[justify][size=9]
Being told what to do.
Spending a day without music.
Fire & candles.
Hospitals. [/size] [/justify]</font></center></DIV></div></blockquote>[/td][/table]</center>
<blockquote><center><div style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: calibri; LETTER-SPACING: -2px;; text-shadow:black 1px 1px 1px;"> ▼ YOU ARE A GUEST TO MY HEART</div> </center>
[font=Calibri][center]♀ Best Friend [size=9](taken) [b]x1[/b][/size]
♂ Best Friend [size=9](taken) [b]x1[/b][/size]
♀♂ Friends [size=9](from schools, trips, activities, etc) [/size]
♂ Ex-Boyfriends [size=9](from schools, trips, activities, etc) [b]x4[/b][/size]
♀♂ Ex-friends [size=9](from schools, trips, activities, etc) [/size]
♀♂ Enemies [size=9](from schools, trips, activities, etc)[/size]
♀♂ Member of family [size=9](cousins only) [b]x3[/b][/size][/center][/font]